eFinance Strengthens the Digital Payment Security Ecosystem in Egypt with LogRhythm SIEM

eFinance is a national developer of digital payments infrastructure in Egypt and has successfully built a solid foundation to provide industry leading fintech solutions across the nation. It is an integral partner ...
Cyber Security Maturity Assessment Approach

Cyber Security Maturity Assessment Approach for NBFC Sector

WeSecureApp develops customized solutions as per the client’s requirements and always provides a business-friendly approach towards amending or formulating its methodology, tools, and technologies supporting the applicable regulatory norms as well as ...

An IT team of one quickly takes control of 400 vulnerabilities

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CASE STUDY Challenge: Organizations are inundated with hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities every year. After years of experience, we know most organizations can only patch about 1 in 10 (10%) vulnerabilities discovered ...
How the City of Phoenix Rapidly Modernized its Cybersecurity Defenses

How the City of Phoenix Rapidly Modernized its Cybersecurity Defenses

The City of Phoenix’s cybersecurity leaders, Shannon Lawson and Mitch Kohlbecher, have been at the forefront of adopting new technology to solve the fundamental problem perplexing cybersecurity leaders everywhere: how can we ...
DTEX Enables a Privacy-First Approach to Security for a Fortune 500 Workforce

DTEX Enables a Privacy-First Approach to Security for a Fortune 500 Workforce

Insider risk management can be tricky for any company, but for a multi-national organization with a highly distributed workforce, the challenges are exacerbated. The ability to understand employee behavior is key to ...

Global Bank Uplifts Insider Risk Maturity Through Contextual Visibility at Scale

The financial services sector is prone to insider abuse and data misuse, including fraud. For global banks and other financial institutions, the cost of a security incident can quickly add up to ...

Virginia municipality discovers a dangerous backdoor.

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Challenge: With attacks on municipalities on the rise, a midsized county in Virginia knew it needed to improve its cybersecurity posture. The problem was they were not sure where to begin. So ...

JPC Mitigates Ransomware Risk with BlackFog

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JPC uses BlackFog as its last line of defense to reduce ransomware risk for itself and all its customers ...
assumed breach case study

Assumed Breach Assessment Case Study: Uncovering WeSecureApp’s Approach

This blog post focuses on the Assumed Breach Assessment approach with an assessment case study performed by the WSA team. But first, What is an Assumed Breach Assessment? As the name suggests, ...