How 1-Time Passcodes Became a Corporate Liability

How 1-Time Passcodes Became a Corporate Liability

Phishers are enjoying remarkable success using text messages to steal remote access credentials and one-time passcodes from employees at some of the world's largest technology companies and customer support firms. A recent ...

DoorDash Data Breach, Voice Assistant Privacy Changes, Limiting Ad Tracking

You’re listening to the Shared Security Podcast, exploring the trust you put in people, apps, and technology…with your host, Tom Eston. In episode 88 for September 30th 2019: DoorDash announces a data ...

5M Users’ DoorDash Data Dupe’d by Dastardly Deeds

Another day, another data leak: Gig-economy unicorn DoorDash is the latest security-fail org to admit it’s lost your personal info ...
Security Boulevard