quantum data scraping

Cleantech and Quantum Computing: Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

As cleantech becomes a bigger part of U.S. critical infrastructure, it faces a bigger risk from cyberattackers leveraging quantum attacks ...
Security Boulevard
health care, data, cloud, quantum, medical device healthcare encryption zero-trust health care CISO Talk - Healthcare and Cyber - cybersecurity - cyber threats - cyberattack

Protecting Patient Data: Why Quantum Security is a Must in Health Care

When you visit the doctor or have a hospital stay, you and your patient data become elements in a vast, highly complex digital technology ecosystem. This is because you (as the patient) ...
Security Boulevard

Breaking RSA with a Quantum Computer

A group of Chinese researchers have just published a paper claiming that they can—although they have not yet done so—break 2048-bit RSA. This is something to take seriously. It might not be ...
Interference in quantum mechanics

What is Quantum Computing, and Why Should Security Professionals Care?

Quantum computing basics Quantum computing embraces the laws of quantum mechanics to solve those problems that are currently too challenging for even the most high-performance modern computers. Across the board, it is ...

Debunking Quantum Cloud Myths

In many ways, the human appetite for computing power is ever-growing. More computing power can be found in the cloud for our ever-growing thirst for power. But that’s still not enough. Enter ...
The Analyst Prompt #15: Network Environment-Focused Conversations Needed in Approaches to Cyber Security

The Analyst Prompt #15: Network Environment-Focused Conversations Needed in Approaches to Cyber Security

Exploit Tools and Targets: Enhance Third-Party Risk Management to Mitigate Multi-Targeted Approach Third-party attacks, or supply chain attacks, occur when a trusted software, vendor, or other external company property or personnel is ...

NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards

Quantum computing is a completely new paradigm for computers. A quantum computer uses quantum properties such as superposition, which allows a qubit (a quantum bit) to be neither 0 nor 1, but ...
quantum cryptography Exchange quantum-safe

CISA Post-Quantum Cryptography Initiative: Too Little, Too Late?

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has established a post-quantum cryptography initiative that aims to unify agency efforts regarding the threats posed by quantum computing. The initiative builds on existing Department ...
Security Boulevard

NIST Announces First Four Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms

NIST’s post-quantum computing cryptography standard process is entering its final phases. It announced the first four algorithms: For general encryption, used when we access secure websites, NIST has selected the CRYSTALS-Kyber algorithm ...
encryption,QKD quantum

A Qubit of Solace: How QKD Systems Defend Against Future Cyberattacks

Every industry is on high alert when it comes to cyberattacks, and rightly so. A cyberattack can halt business, add unexpected costs to mitigate, damage a company’s reputation and more. Cybercriminals can take ...
Security Boulevard