Black Hat USA 2023: The Ultimate Survival Guide

Can you believe it? Black Hat USA is back for its 26th year, bringing together hackers, security researchers, and cybersecurity enthusiasts under the neon glow of the Vegas lights with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. This crew gathers each year to attend a conference like no other, as it is THE spot for hackers, security researchers and industry experts to come together to network and learn new ways of staying ahead of threats in today’s ever-evolving threat landscape. Just like the bright lights of Vegas, this conference is a glittering hub of cutting-edge technology, expert knowledge, with a dash of dark humor and mischief. 

So, in an effort to help prepare you for Vegas, where black hats reign supreme, white hats dance on the edge, and modern technology is king in this digital battlefield – I’ve prepared this ultimate survival guide for Black Hat USA attendees! In this guide, we’ll equip you with tips, tricks, and the inside scoop you need to thrive amidst the flashing lights. From session recommendations and networking strategies to navigating all that comes with Las Vegas, we’ve got you covered. 

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Let’s dive in, shall we?

Seize the Opportunities: Dominate the Business Hall at Black Hat in Las Vegas

Welcome to the bright lights of Las Vegas, where even your Fitbit needs a vacation after attending. Last year, in a mere 4 days I traversed a staggering 28.8 miles, hustling back and forth between my hotel room and the Business Hall. I was on duty, dashing between my hotel room and the sprawling convention center Business Hall. 

Survival guide tip #1: wear comfortable shoes. 

Forget those fancy, snazzy shoes that only look good—nobody cares about fashion when you’re practically tap-dancing from one session to another. Your feet will be begging for the tender loving care that only a comfy pair of shoes can provide. 

Survival guide tip #2: stay hydrated. 

Don’t underestimate the transformative powers of H2O –a true game-changer for all you cybersecurity warriors out there. If you find yourself in need of a water bottle, look no further than the Laminar booth (#2500), where we would be delighted to offer you a complimentary bottle and cloud data risk assessment by one of our DSPM experts – just ask when you see us!

Survival guide tip #3: map your routes ahead of time.

This year it’s worth noting that the Business Hall has expanded in scope and grandeur. In order to conquer this behemoth of innovation, I highly recommend a solid game plan. Take out your virtual map, cause there is one in the Black Hat Events app (Apple // Google Play), and be sure to identify those exhibitors that catch your eye. This way, you can navigate the maze of booths like a pro and not miss out on any displays (reminder that we’d love to see you at the Laminar booth #2500).

Business Hall Hours

  • Wed, Aug 9: 10AM-6:00 PM
    • Booth Crawl: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • Thu, Aug 10: 10:00 AM–4:00 PM

Here are some estimates on distances between the hotels and the Mandalay Bay South Halls: 

  • Luxor to South Convention Hall Rooms (where expo is): .65 miles (map) 
  • From Delano: .6 // 12 min walk (map) 
  • From Mandalay Bay Elevator Bank: .6 // 15 min walk (map) 
  • From Four Seasons: .5 mile // 11 min walk

Need a pass? Discounted Briefings Passes (25% off current published rate): SP25BR-YGczWn33

View the most up-to-date Business Sponsor Floor Map Center map, located in the South Convention Center Bayside Rooms, to plan your visit! 

Unveiling the Must-Attend Sessions: Your Jumpstart on Black Hat!

The Keynote lineup has just dropped and there are some amazing speakers are in the mix (like Jen Easterly, Viktor Zhora, Kemba Walden, & Maria Markstedter), and so many sessions to choose from, we thought we’d give you a head start by identifying some key sessions you might be interested in. Note: Recommendations are made by our awesome Director of Solutions Engineering, Jon Tobin. 

Speaker: Ben Nassi, Speaker: Etay Iluz

Tracks:  Hardware / Embedded,  Cryptography

Format: 40-Minute Briefings

Location: South Pacific F, North Convention Center

Why we recommend this session: One of the most important innovations in data security since the invention of networking is Cryptography. Ever since Encryption has been protecting our data, hackers have been inventing novel ways of deciphering keys and decrypting it. 

From Jon, “when I heard about the research into stealing keys without gaining physical access to the hardware or the network, I was stunned – this could be some of the coolest and most frightening research I’ve seen in years.”

Thu, Aug 9 at 10:20 AM // Unsafe At Any Speed: CISA’s Plan to Foster Tech Ecosystem Security

Speakers: Bob Lord, Speaker: Jack Cable

Tracks:  Policy,  Application Security: Defense

Format: 40-Minute Briefings

Location: Islander HI, North Convention Center

Why we recommend this session: The U.S. has been missing a comprehensive strategy for Information Security for decades. The formation of CISA in 2018 was the first signal that the U.S. was creating a “home agency” dedicated to fostering secure information infrastructure in the US. 

In their own words, CISA is responsible for leading “…the national effort to understand, manage, and reduce risk to our cyber and physical infrastructure.” CISAs main objective is to bring together the public and private sectors with the goal of sharing knowledge for the advancement of critical infrastructure security.

Thu, Aug 9 at 1:30 PM // One Drive, Double Agent: Clouded OneDrive Turns Sides

Speaker: Or Yair

Tracks:  Malware,  Cloud Security

Format: 40-Minute Briefings

Location: Mandalay Bay H, Level 2

Why we recommend this session: Ransomware is the largest and, perhaps, most pervasive threat to personal and corporate cyber and data security today. As companies pivot to cloud-based services to hold their data, these services (e.g., OneDrive) will become juicy targets. For organizations, understanding the vulnerabilities that lie in their architecture will be the key to reducing the risk of an attack/breach being successful in their environment.

Building Connections, Gaining Insights, Maximizing Opportunities…

Networking, sessions, and meetings –these are the pillars of Black Hat. In this golden age of innovation, where threats lurk at every turn, staying ahead of the game is paramount to maintaining a competitive advantage. This conference is our opportunity to discover cutting-edge solutions that will fortify our organizations’ security. And, if the other conferences we attended this year, (RSAC, Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, Evanta CISO Summits) serve as an indication, cloud data security remains a top priority, continuing to dominate the agenda of crucial topics to be discussed among industry leaders. 

As we embark on this new era of cloud transformation and data democratization, we’d recommend maintaining awareness of increased risk caused by several key items:

  1. The growing use of cloud storage across multiple providers leads to varied configurations, resulting in complex, ever-changing architectures that demand extensive cloud expertise.
  2. An abundance of data, particularly shadow data, is rising from developers and data scientists freely copying, sharing, and moving data, frequently inadvertently jeopardizing sensitive information when data is moved without involving security.
  3. A demise of traditional perimeters and absence of a single choke point is exposing sensitive data, as it can be accessed from anywhere and by anyone with the right credentials.
  4. Release cycles are happening at a faster rate, ranging from weeks, days, and hours instead of months and years, challenging security to keep up or requiring swift security responses to ensure data protection.
  5. The evolving security landscape is demanding teams protect an unprecedented amount of data and foster innovation, often all while facing understaffing, and a lack of essential cloud security skills.

The evolving security landscape necessitates safeguarding an unparalleled volume of data while fostering a culture of innovation, all while trying to keep up with resource constraints and a void of cloud security skills. Hence, the reason we attend Black Hat each year!

Interested in learning how you can discover your sensitive data? Book your Executive Briefing with the Laminar experts today!

When: August 9-10

Where: Laminar Booth #2500 // Business Hall

Register now, space is filling up fast!

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Embrace the Cyber Wonderland: Black Hat in Vegas Awaits! Let’s Conquer, Connect, and Inspire Together

In conclusion, we are in the heart of the cyber revolution, where data is king and innovation is the name of the game. Black Hat is filled with possibilities for all us cyber geeks. So gear up, strap in, and prepare for the wild ride that only Black Hat in Vegas can deliver.

Can’t wait to see you in the dazzling lights of Las Vegas, the city where the stakes are high and the game of cybersecurity will be played with unmatched fervor. Together, let’s conquer the challenges, forge new connections, and embrace the excitement of this extraordinary conference – as they say, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility.

Meet us here

Black Hat USA // Mandalay Bay Convention Center

Laminar Booth #2500

August 9-10, 2023

If you liked what you saw here, then be sure to share with your co-workers and friends because we want to hear from you! Follow us on Twitter @laminarsec or find us on LinkedIn. And definitely, don’t forget to @mention us and use the Black Hat USA official hashtag #BHUSA when spreading the word!

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Laminar authored by Karen Sung. Read the original post at: