TeamViewer, insider, application, insider risk, case, threat Palo Alto network IP theft

Insider Indicted for Attempting to Sabotage California Water Plant

Earlier this month, Rambler Gallo pled not guilty to charges that he attempted to sabotage the water treatment facility in Discovery Bay, California. The facility provides treatment for the water and wastewater ...
Security Boulevard
How Cyber Safe is Your Drinking Water Supply?

How Cyber Safe is Your Drinking Water Supply?

Amid multiple recent reports of hackers breaking into and tampering with drinking water treatment systems comes a new industry survey with some sobering findings: A majority of the 52,000 separate drinking water ...
What’s most interesting about the Florida water system hack? That we heard about it at all.

What’s most interesting about the Florida water system hack? That we heard about it at all.

Stories about computer security tend to go viral when they bridge the vast divide between geeks and luddites, and this week's news about a hacker who tried to poison a Florida town's ...
Water Supply Poisoned by Hacker in Oldsmar, Fla.

Water Supply Poisoned by Hacker in Oldsmar, Fla.

A small municipal water supply was briefly tainted by a dangerous chemical: Another reminder of the risks of SCADA on the internet ...
Security Boulevard
Severe TeamViewer Vulnerability Let Attackers Steal System Password

Severe TeamViewer Vulnerability Let Attackers Steal System Password

A security researcher found a severe TeamViewer vulnerability affecting Windows versions of the application 8 through 15, allowing attackers to steal system credentials. TeamViewer is a powerful tool for remote administration, but ...

TeamViewer Research: IT Execs Confident in COVID-19 ‘Work from Home’ Response, But Brace for Continued Disruption

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IT Infrastructure was mission critical during COVID-19 outbreak; 84 percent say company survival rested on their performance   Businesses prioritize security, cloud and collaboration tools to manage sustained remote work environments   ...
Security Boulevard